Boost Your Revenue With Digital Selling: 12 Key Features That Set Omedym Apart

To improve revenue generation in today's buyer-led B2B landscape, leading sales and revenue organizations are leveraging buyer-centric digital sales platforms like Omedym.

Read on to explore Omedym's top 12 features and learn how we are equipping sales teams with an unfair competitive advantage.

1. Digital Demos

  1. How we do it: Omedym has pioneered the technology to make your video and PDF content searchable. Simply upload all your content to the Omedym platform. We process each video and automatically index every word in the video, making them 100% searchable. The Omedym platform then displays the videos in portals through your existing website and private portal invites. Buyers search by the topics they care about most and are taken to the exact spots in all the demos where their topics are presented. You see every search topic, every part they’ve viewed, and everyone they’ve invited to see your video and PDF content.

  2. How you benefit: If you’re like most companies, you’ve put significant investment into technology to digitize internal sales process. And externally your digital strategy is probably centered on your website—which is primarily designed to ‘tell’, not ‘sell’. A critical step in the buyer engagement process is demoing your solution. Yet in a digital first world, the demo is still an analog, people-intensive step. That’s why Omedym believes it’s time to digitize the buying experience. We believe digital buying should be as close to a live demos and selling as possible. Which means, just like sales engagements and live demos, you should have the means to prompt questions, share topics, and make recommendations. Omedym makes the demo and video content a key asset in your buyer engagement by digitizing and integrating it into the buyer’s online experience.

2. Video Demo Search

  1. How we do it: We live in a hyper convenience world where people want quick answers to their questions, at their convenience. Calling a salesperson is not their first instinct. Instead, they ask Siri, ask Alexa or search Google. It’s simply what we all do—we search. That’s why we digitize your video and PDF content—to make it searchable. To search, buyers simply ask Omedym. They search by key words or ask questions and we answer their questions by presenting a list of videos that contain the topics they searched. The list is automatically generated based on the videos that include the words, in the video itself, that match their search. And for the best user experience, we bring the buyer directly to the minute and second in the content that answers their question. Every time the buyer searches, a new list is generated from across your entire content library.

  2. How you benefit: Omedym gives you a completely new and engaging way to answer your buyers’ questions. Video is the best medium for engaging buyers and search makes every min of every piece of content an asset. No longer are answers buried at the 20- or 45-min mark of a video or a webinar. If your buyer asks, "Do you have standard reports?" or "Do you integrate with Salesforce?" they get answers to their questions because we take them to the exact second in all the videos that address their topic. Search is the way we interact with the digital world. Omedym ensures that this interaction includes searching within videos as well. Your buyers get a topic-rich, fully searchable video experience across all your video and PDF content.

3. Digital Discovery

  1. How we do it: Traditional discovery calls have pre-sales asking buyers questions to understand the problems they’re trying to solve and what’s truly important to them. Discovery is a critical step in the sales process, yet today more and more buyers are limiting their engagement with sales in this step. Omedym does much of this early discovery for you. The platform enables buyers to ask questions, explore recommendations, drill into demo topics… So instead of pre-sales trying to get one person on the buying team to participate in discovery, the buyer does much of this for you. Based on their Omedym digital footprint, you see the buyer intent—what’s important to them and, more importantly, what isn’t. All this is summarized and integrated with your CRM so pre-sales has a deep understanding of the buyer before the first live call.

  2. How you benefit: Giving buyers the ability to search and learn about your solution on their own, perfectly satisfies today’s digital buyer. They want a foundational understanding of your capabilities and value before they engage with pre-sales. And our customers tell us that prospects digitally explore more of your solutions earlier in the sales process when they have access to digital demos. As a solution consultant in one of our customers said, “Our first meeting was so much more productive as I knew what was important and the buyer was ready to engage.” This gives you accurate insight into their needs, well beyond what you would normally uncover in discovery.

4. Buyer Portals

  1. How we do it: In less than one minute, sales can create a personalized, private, secure portal that addresses buyer questions and careabouts. They simply select the template that contains the pre-built content that speak to that buyer’s needs. One click sends an email with that unique portal link to the buyer. Omedym buyer portals connect your buyers to your solutions early in the sales process.

  2. How you benefit: Portals give the buyer and buying team the private, authentic and relevant content. Each member of the buying team can ask their questions, search their topics, and receive 2–3-minute answers. Question and video answers are the most powerful way to deepen buyers’ understanding of your solution value. Their always-on nature gives prospects the opportunity to review content at any time and as many times as they like. Buyers nearly always share these portals with the rest of the buying team. Best of all, you see every interaction of every buyer, so you know exactly what they care about most.

5. Digital Assistant

  1. How we do it: The built-in digital assistant checks your work. It looks for incomplete workflows or configurations (you forgot to include members in a portal, etc.) or open tasks and provides suggestions for how you can increase customer engagement and improve productivity.

  2. How you benefit: No one is perfect. We all forget to do something or wish we had someone to double-check our work. Our built-in digital assistant is always looking out for your best interest by providing proven best practice-based engagement suggestions.

6. Templates

  1. How we do it: Our customers use templates to arrange content into reusable packages. For example: early, mid, and late in the sale cycle demos, groupings of business and technical demos, demos by product family, vertical solution content… Templates are branded for each customer and contain demos, recommendations, and topic lists.

  2. How you benefit: How many times has your team given the same demo or emailed the same package of content? Build once, use many times is the mantra of efficient sales engagement. Omedym templates makes sending personalized, relevant, sets of demo videos and supporting content easy—in fact it takes less than a minute. The prospect sees content that addresses their questions which moves them forward in the sale. Your team can now scale to engages more prospects in a personalized way. We save your team time on repetitive activities, and you see every interaction buyers have with the template content.

7. Everyday Content

  1. How we do it: Video is such a powerful medium with people remembering video content six times more than what they read. Yet, videos sometimes get a bad rap with the perception that they need to be ‘produced’ to be impactful. In fact, surveys show that buyers don’t trust highly produced videos as much as they trust an AM or SE delivering the message via a simple recording. That’s why we always start with digitizing your existing everyday content—video demos, WebEx sessions, whiteboard recordings, tech briefings, PDFs…You don’t need to worry about the length either, as every video and PDF will now be 100% searchable within the video.

  2. How you benefit: Within the first two days of using Omedym, you’ll have a library of video and sales content that’s sharable on your website, templates, and portals. And our platform includes video capture capabilities (or you can use other video tools), so adding to the library is as simple as recording your best people giving their best pitch, whiteboard session, tech demo, etc. We simplify the video process and digitize the content so you can scale your sales team’s impact.

8. Exclusive Content

  1. How we do it: Every Omedym portal is unique to that buyer—addressing that buyer’s specific interests. Exclusive content gives the sales team the ability to extend the template content and move the prospect along to act based on insights: add a personalized welcome message, upload the last meeting recording, follow up on action items, add demos that address questions the buyer asked, answer parking lot items… Exclusive content is labeled in the portal as such so the buyer recognizes the additional value the sales time is providing.

  2. How you benefit: Omedym’s most successful customers view the demo as both a digital and human experience. Just as the sales opportunity is not a point in time, demos have moved from a one or two and done to an opportunity to engage buyers throughout the sales cycle. Exclusive content helps build trust over time and is a perfect way to stay digitally engaged.

9. Topics

  1. How we do it: When you upload video and PDF content, we automatically create a list of 2–3-word pairs based on how many times those words are spoken and where they are in the content. We call these pairs topics. From a new topic list, you simply activate the topics that best communicate your solution value proposition. Buyers are presented with this list of topics and browse to watch the video segments where they’re presented.

  2. How you benefit: We’ve found that many buyers are browsers. That’s why Omedym gives your buyers many ways to explore and consume your demo and related content. Buyers don't always know what they don't know, so topics allow them to browse elements of your solution value that intrigue them. This draws them deeper into your product experience as they explore areas they might not have even know were possible with your solution.

10. Recommendations

  1. How we do it: Just like going to a restaurant and asking the waiter for a meal recommendation, Omedym guides the early buyer with a set of recommended videos. Recommendations are easy to create by simply writing questions your buyers normally ask and tagging places in the video where these questions are answered. You can have as many questions as you want for each piece of content and multiple pieces of content are often used to answer the same question. Questions can be organized in groups such as by product, topic, vertical…
  2. How you benefit: Recommendations enable you to set the competitive table and influence buyers first impression of your solution. 40% of the top of the funnel buyers start by viewing our client’s recommended demos. They are the first demos buyers see in the portal. They are a perfect opportunity to address the things "you" want your buyer to ask. And we give you the insights you need to see which recommendations got their attention and which didn't.

11. Buyer Intent

  1. How we do it:  Insights. For every buyer across every one of your prospects, we track and show you every interaction: visits, recommendations they’ve viewed, questions they’ve asked, videos they watched, segments within the video they’ve viewed, time they’ve engaged, topics they’ve clicked on, and their progression through every demo. We consolidate multiple visits by the same buyer and all the interactions of all the buyers across the buying team.

  2. How you benefit: We give you a seat at the buying table. Studies show that 90% of the actual buying happens separate from the sales engagement. That’s why we show you everything everyone on the buying team cares about. Not just for one visit, but the progression of visits, so you understand if the opportunity is advancing or stalled. We show you everything about everyone in one place, so you have a complete picture of your buyers’ and their intent.

12. Opportunity Scoring

  1. How we do it: Is this an actual buyer? Is this a real opportunity? Are the right people engaged? Is the opportunity progressing? We score every buyer and the entire buying team to give you an accurate picture of every opportunity. And when we say opportunity score, we mean a highly predictive number. Our algorithm, which has been refined from thousands of prior buyer interactions, creates a weighted score from buyer visits, topics, demos, duration, search, recommendations, content...

  2. How you benefit: Don't guess. Your buyers are showing you their hand. Use the Omedym Opportunity Score to focus on the right buyers in the right deals. Our data shows that if you invite a buyer to a digital portal and they don’t engage in a meaningful way, they are not a real opportunity. In fact, one of our customers won’t add a prospect to their forecast until that prospect achieves a certain Omedym Opportunity Score. This goes way past if someone opened your email. Use Omedym insights to take the actions you need to win the deal.

Thank you for reading!

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